Frequently Asked Questions
Obtain answers to commonly asked questions related to Medicare, your plan, and UnitedHealthcare®.
Medicare Part A and Part B are usually referred to as "Original Medicare". Part A offers coverage for your hospital stays, while Part B offers coverage for doctor visits and outpatient care. You receive your benefits directly from the government. Medicare then pays fees for your care directly to the doctors and hospitals you visit.
Medicare Part C plans are usually referred to as Medicare Advantage plans. All Medicare Advantage plans are provided by private insurance companies, like UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, and they all combine coverage for hospital stays (Medicare Part A) with coverage for doctor visits and other outpatient care (Medicare Part B) into one plan. Some plans include prescription drug coverage (Medicare Part D), plus extra benefits like vision, hearing and dental coverage. Under Medicare Part C, the Medicare Advantage plan pays the fees for your care directly to the doctors and hospitals that you visit.
Medicare Supplement plans act as a supplement to "Original Medicare" (Parts A and B). Medicare Supplement plans help to pay for some of the costs, like coinsurance and deductibles that Original Medicare does not cover. If you enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan and need prescription drug coverage, you will need to enroll in a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan also.
Senior Supplement plans also act as a supplement to Original Medicare, but are only offered through an employer group or plan sponsor. They may have similar benefits as the Federal Medicare Supplement plans, but may also cover state-mandated benefits. If you enroll in a Senior Supplement plan and need prescription drug coverage, you will need to enroll in a Part D prescription drug plan also. Employer groups and plan sponsors commonly offer both a Senior Supplement plan and a separate Medicare Part D prescription drug plan.
No, this Medicare Advantage plan is not the same as what is advertised on TV. HealthSelectSM Medicare Advantage Plan is a custom Group Medicare Advantage PPO plan designed exclusively for ERS retirees, survivors and eligible dependents. This plan is different and should not be confused with individual UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans that might be available in the area through an Exchange.
You aren’t required to enroll in this plan. If you do not want HealthSelect MA PPO plan as your health plan provider, you can opt out of coverage for yourself and/or any Medicare-enrolled dependents before the effective date of the coverage. If you are currently enrolled in the HealthSelect MA PPO, you will be automatically enrolled in this HealthSelect MA PPO administered by UnitedHealthcare on January 1, 2025 unless you opt out of coverage or make a coverage change to a different health plan.
If you don’t want to enroll, or if you want to make a coverage change:
- Access your ERS OnLine account at, click on Medicare Plan Options and opt out of the HealthSelect MA PPO plan.
- You can also call ERS toll free at (877) 275-4377, (TTY: 711) 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.
Yes. Retirees, survivors and their eligible dependents can switch between HealthSelect Medicare Advantage and their previous non-Medicare Advantage plan at any time; you do not need to wait for the Fall Enrollment period. Any changes in coverage you make will be effective on the first day of the month following the change. Contact ERS toll-free at (877) 275-4377, (TTY: 711) 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday for more information.
You must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B to be eligible for HealthSelect Medicare Advantage Plan and you must continue to pay your Part B premium to the federal government. This is a requirement for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. If you stop paying your Part B premium, you may be disenrolled from your plan.
To find doctors or hospitals in our network, see the Provider Directory. This directory is updated regularly to provide you with the current listing of network providers. If you would like help finding a network doctor or to request a written copy of the Provider Directory, please call Customer Service.
Click on the Resources tab in the menu at the top of your screen, then on the Appeals & Grievances link. This page provides detailed information about the appeals process.
This information is accessible within the member portion of the site. Once logged in, click the "Coverage & Benefits" link in the menu at the top of your screen. This page will provide your annual deductible and out-of-pocket costs for your health and prescription drug plan, as applicable.
This information is accessible within the member portion of the site. Once logged in, click the "Claims" link in the menu at the top of your screen. The Claims page will enable you to search for medical and/or drug claims by date range and will provide an overview of each claim searched.
Each year that you are a member of a UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan, you will receive an Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC) about six weeks before your plan's effective date. The ANOC explains any changes in coverage, costs, and benefits that will be effective for the upcoming year. You may also call the customer service number listed on your UCard with any questions.
This information is accessible within the member portion of the site. Once logged in, click on the "UCard" link on the home page.
If you are unable to find the links noted above, please call customer service using the number listed on your plan materials or the number noted for Plan Members on the Contact Us page.