Pharmacies and prescriptions

Use the resources below to learn more about your plan’s Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. 

Pharmacy information

Pharmacy locations

UnitedHealthcare provides access to thousands of standard network pharmacies nationwide. This broad network of pharmacies allows you the flexibility to fill your prescription while at home or away. For added convenience, many retail pharmacies will fill a 90-day prescription. 

Mail order

Your mail order vendor will be OptumRX. To get started with OptumRX you can choose one of the following methods:

  • ePrescribe: Your doctor can send an electronic prescription to OptumRX
  • Phone: Call OptumRX at 888-279-1828
  • Online: register online after enrollment effective date at, or download the OptumRX app
  • Mail: complete order form and mail it to OptumRX PO Box 2975 Mission, KS 66201

Copay cards

Prescription drug copay cards cannot be used with your Medicare Advantage plan. Copay cards include disclaimer language that state that they cannot be used with Federal health care programs. SAMBA Medicare Advantage is a Federal program.

Prescription drug information

Drug cost estimator

Find out if the prescription drugs you take are covered by your plan and estimate how much you'll pay. You'll need your prescription information, dosage and frequency.

Note: drug costs are based on 2024 formulary data.

Important Information about your Part D Vaccine and Insulin Coverage 

What You Pay for Vaccines – Our plan covers most adult Part D vaccines at no cost to you.

What You Pay for Insulin – You won’t pay more than $35 for a one-month supply of each insulin product covered by our plan. Refer to your plan materials.


Prescription drug materials