
Learn more about Medicare and find additional resources here.

How does Medicare work?

View information about the Medicare program, including coverage options, eligibility, enrollment, costs and benefits.

Medicare Made Clear  

How do I file an appeal or grievance?

Get a detailed overview of the Appeals and Grievance process.

Medicare Advantage appeals and grievances

Medicare Plus Senior Supplement appeals and grievances

How do I report fraud or abuse?

Find out how to identify fraud and abuse and learn steps you can take to prevent and report it.

Report fraud and abuse


Making a payment

If you pay your premiums directly to UnitedHealthcare, you may visit our website to make a one-time payment, complete the ACH form online for recurring payments from your bank account and set up recurring payments from your credit card or debit card.


To schedule an appointment to meet with a UnitedHealthcare representative in Madison, WI, call 1-952-202-9578 or email If you are not able to attend the meeting in person, you can also request virtual appointments.